Responsible Distribution
Azelis is extraordinarily serious about its responsibilities as a corporate citizen. As a member of the National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD), we are actively involved in Responsible Distribution.™
Responsible Distribution™ is a unique initiative developed to improve chemical handling processes nationwide.
The following information outlines our focus areas and how these areas effect our customers, improve our operations and reduce risks.
Senior Management Commitment and Risk Management
Senior Management commitment through review of the Responsible Distribution Code, Guiding Principles, policies, and procedures and action taken to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. We strive to promote safe, secure and responsible distribution of raw materials and products as well as insure safe working conditions for all employees. Through evaluation and planning we can reduce the risks associated with handling chemicals.
Compliance Review and Training
Regulations are constantly changing and staying current is imperative! It is the policy of Monson to be in full compliance with all local, state and federal regulations as they pertain to the chemical distribution business.
Carrier Selection and Private Fleet
Safe Transportation of chemicals is essential in responsible distribution. Our drivers are fully trained, our equipment is properly maintained, and our products are contained and secured. We routinely audit our outside carriers to verify the same standards.
Handling and Storage
We insure that all products are stored and handled in accordance with all laws, regulations and acceptable industry standards. This applies to all Monson controlled and contracted storage facilities and transportation equipment. Meeting these requirements safeguards against exposures, prevents accidents and reduces emissions.
Job Procedures and Training
Written operating procedures and job descriptions are standard at Monson Employees and contract personnel are trained in the established job procedure for their specific functions. All training is in accordance with accepted industry practices and applicable laws and regulations.
Waste Management and Resource Conservation
We are dedicated to an ongoing program of waste minimization and resource conservation. All waste generated as a result of business operations shall be contained and disposed of in a responsible manner and in accordance with all regulations.
Emergency Response and Public Preparedness
Emergency preparation requires consistent planning, both internally and with the cooperation of external agencies. Established emergency response procedures, emergency evacuations, spill containment and communication are just a few of the steps Monson has taken to be prepared in the event of an emergency.
Community Outreach
Monson is dedicated to proactively advancing the guiding principles of Responsible Distribution™. We have direct involvement with community organizations, trade associations, government and regulatory officials and continued involvement with the NACD and the Massachusetts Chemical Technology Alliance.
Product Stewardship
Azelis upholds the Guiding Principles of Responsible Distribution™ in the commerce of chemical products. We strive for continuous improvement in disseminating information and support to our customers on the proper use, storage, handling and disposal as well as proper health, safety and environment responsibilities in using chemicals.
Internal Audits
Azelis has established documented procedures for scheduled internal audits that verify implementation of our policies and procedures supporting Responsible Distribution™.
Corrective and Preventive Action
We established corrective and preventive action procedures including reviewing actual and potential no-conformities, identifying the cause, identifying the actions to be taken and implementing the actions to prevent recurrences.
Document and Records Control
Azelis maintains a documented system to control all policies, procedures, forms and records supporting Responsible Distribution™.
Senior leadership is commitment to continuous improvement in security through published policies, analysis of threats, implementation of security measures, cyber-security, documentation, training and drills, audits, third-party verification and continuous improvement.
Responsible Distribution™ is a registered service mark of the National Association of Chemical Distributors.